I'm Excited To See You Here! Let's Start SIMPLIFYING...
I'm so glad you chose this workshop to help you simplify and visualise your planning. The 4 Pillars are used throughout the Academy and all of the content I create for members is done with these pillars in mind because I know that this approach works!
This training is useful for educators working across different age groups and service types including Family Daycare, Early Learning Centres, Preschools, Kindergarten and Outside School Hours Care.
This is your Workshop Homepage where you can choose to watch the member workshop video or access the help me videos from the lesson menu bar (to the side if on a computer - tap the lines to drop down if using a mobile device).
You can work your way through this 1 hour workshop at your own pace and come back as many times as you need while you are a current Hub member. I've also provided you with a resource and reflection kit for this workshop so make sure to download what you find most helpful to you.
In this 1 hour workshop I walk you through my ‘Keep it Simple Planning Approach' and how you can use an interactive & fun 4 pillars Post It Party exercise to help you simplify and visualise your own planning cycle …and clarify the information your already gathering and HOW you connect those to the tools you’re using within your current planning cycle.
The 4 pillar post it party gives you an interactive way to reflect and put the odds back in your favour so we can banish the feeling that you constantly need to ‘write more’ to meet framework regulations and check off proof of learning outcomes.
So go ahead and tap/click the green 'Start now' button down below this box to access the workshop video and find out more about how to use the 4 pillars and post it party activity to help you simplify!
Make sure to visit the 'Workshop Resource & Reflection Kit' section via your sidebar menu after you've watched the workshop video to download the available workshop handouts and request a personalised certificate.
Choose what is helpful to you - there is no need to overwhelm yourself by downloading everything in the kit just because you can - think about what you would find most useful as a tool for reflection and to help you take action after the workshop .