Your Pillar Quiz Results

Thanks for taking our member 'What's My Pillar' quiz - my suggestion on where to start inside Member Hub to get the support and resources that you need the most right now based on your answers is...

Pillar Resource Library 2

Why Pillar 2?

Your answers to the quiz questions indicate that you need some guidance, resources and ideas for play based learning activities, writing your program or extending learning as a priority right now to make your work easier and also grow your skills as an educator.

Although this is your Priority Pillar right now you'll still want to draw on the resources and training now available to you across all 4 of the Pillars.  I like to think of the 4 pillars as different professional development pathways that join together to ultimately lead you to the same place…

a place where you go from feeling uncertain or overwhelmed to empowered and confident in your role as an early years educator - no matter what regulation, standard or framework you’re following.

I'm looking forward to becoming your mentor on this journey! 

Pillar 2


In This Resource Library You'll Find Ideas To Ignite Early Learning With Your Activities & Experiences.

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