Curiosity Spark Preschool Plans - Rainbow Colours Product description

Simplify Planning, Ignite Inquiry Led Learning: The Preschool Planning Resource That Saves You Time AND Aligns with EYLF, EYFS & Te Whariki

Discover the magic of colours and making rainbows with this inquiry led learning concept for preschoolers. This monthly planning resource includes inquiry-based sparks and activity guides that provide step-by-step instructions for setting up hands-on explorations of colour while simplifying your monthly planning. When using the planner you'll confidently ignite curiosity, sensory skills, critical thinking, collaboration, imagination, and language development in your early learning environment!

Packed with over a month’s worth of done-for-you activities, simple planning cycle templates, and clear links to EYLF, EYFS, NAEYC & Te Whariki early learning goals, every planner helps you create inspiring learning experiences …without sacrificing your sanity or weekly planning time. It's been designed specifically for busy early childhood educators who crave a simpler way to complete their planning cycle and introduce a more flexible, play based program for children. 

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