Calling Early Childhood Educators, Leaders & Directors …
What if you were able to get the training you needed to reignite your motivation, restore confidence and make a difference to whether you continue in early childhood or not?
You Can With This Brand New …
Mentorship and Keep It Simple Approach To Professional Development That…
Gives educators the support and simpler steps they need to continue their important work in the early education of children.
(Without having to give up on quality interactions, complete more unnecessary paperwork, or waste valuable time on training that leaves you feeling inadequate, embarrassed or judged).
“You’re good with children - you should get into early childhood!” they said.
“The training you have to do will all be worth it because you’ll gain qualifications that are valued in a profession that’s respected!” they said.
Everybody seems to talk about how important early education is and the valuable role educators play in the lives of children.
You’ve no doubt heard stories in the media about how they get to spend ‘quality time’ with children each day supporting their learning through ‘just playing’.
And the ‘experts’ tell us that educators have many opportunities to become empowered mentors and leaders because they can (of course!) access targeted professional development opportunities suited to their role and the mentorship needed to then use these new skills.
Well that early years sector, wherever it is, must be nice…awesome even.
Have you been to this magical place or am I correct in assuming you’ve not experienced this ECE utopia yet either?
In reality, recent figures show an alarming number of early childhood educators and leaders have left our sector over the past 6 months, many more are away each day using up their non-existent sick pay and this makes it even more imperative that you are able to access the quality support, learning and guidance YOU need. Because it often seems like you’re the one left picking up the slack at the moment and working way more hours than what’s written on the roster - especially when over ratio if you leave when your knock off time comes around.
It’s no wonder you’ve been thinking a job at Maccas wouldn’t be so bad and found yourself practising ‘would you like fries with that’ in that dream the other night because you have no idea where this magical utopia of valued and well supported educators is. Who could blame you?
It’s like there’s a secret training and support strategy that you’re not in on, and you just wish somebody would finally open up and tell you what it is. Seriously.
I’m that somebody!
Hi, I'm Jodie, your planning and play mentor.
The answer to you as an educator feeling more motivated and able to confidently guide and extend children’s early learning day after day with everything else you’re expected to do, is first understanding how to BALANCE your planning, programs, assessment, play, interactions and environment by simplifying what you’re already doing and removing what’s NOT useful or meaningful.
It ISN’T a solution to just expect more of the WHAT constantly from educators (or yourself!). More paperwork, more templates, more assessments or more complicated steps and processes to follow without any WHY, HOW or WHEN support.
(After all - we want to continue to work with young children and we want to encourage other educators to join us…which isn’t going to happen if we’re still feeling unsupported, inadequate or judged.)
After 30 years working in early childhood education...
And the past 12 years online supporting students, assistants, educators, room leaders and directors to simplify their planning, setup budget friendly learning environments and activities that invite engagement and create more time for quality interactions with the children,
I can tell you with 100% certainty that educators who first understand how to follow a keep it simple, back to essentials approach in their planning and practice AND most importantly, receive the SUPPORT they need to continually reflect on and modify these steps to suit their current strengths, service type and experience level….
…Are without a doubt more inspired, confident and happier educators.
They still meet all requirements of their role but the difference is they have simple steps to follow that ensures they can ditch the ‘always in catch up’ mode while feeling valued and supported.
I Keep Coming Back To Simple...
Through years of on the floor experience trying out different strategies and methods to deliver high quality experiences and outcomes for children (while also maintaining my own sanity!), not to mention planning mistakes that wasted a lot of my time, the most effective approach I’ve found that still works for me even today is to just ‘Keep It Simple’.
Not everyone is exceedingly fantastic at documentation and paperwork... and that’s ok.
Yes Really.
That's Why A Keep It Simple Approach Works So Well For All Educators - No matter Their Experience Or Early Years Role.
It transforms complicated planning cycles and unnecessary paperwork into a clear step by step routine that actually gives you the information needed to inform your future planning and speed up the entire documentation cycle …
and that means...
It supports educators to arrive home each day feeling more confident in their work and not worried about HOW to complete something with the time and budget they have because they now understand WHY they are doing it in the first place and what works with their strengths…not the person down in the preschool room or the FDC educator around the corner.
Want To Know How I Keep It Simple?
Choose one of the 3 Mentor Me Essentials Resource Bundles I've put together for you below and discover ideas, tips, strategies and tools that will help you to simplify all of the ECE essentials from Play to Planning to Learning Environments.

I’ll show you how (with real life examples and photos from my own early learning environments and documentation) to use timesaving paperwork strategies and inspirational early education ideas that will simplify your planning and give you more time to engage in environment setup, play and quality interactions with the children.
Without Having To...
Fill in templates or apps you don’t understand because ‘everyone else does it this way’.
Connect everything on your program to a theorist or learning outcome before the play can begin.
Stare at a blank template wondering what your going to put on your program this week
Worry about how you can show written evidence of an ongoing cycle of learning.
Spend hours and hours documenting and analysing children’s observations without gaining any meaningful information to make your forward planning easier.
Resort to writing more than you need to or buying expensive resources because you haven’t been given the basic information and guidance that you need to complete your planning cycle and you feel too embarrassed to ask for help.
Use the same old equipment in the same old ways to set up your learning environments…leaving you AND the children feeling bored and uninspired.
The truth is, even if you’re not getting the support you need from your centre director, service or family day care coordinator at the moment, you CAN recapture your confidence and the optimism and enthusiasm you deserve to feel each day when you start your shift.
It starts with watching a quick training session that leaves you feeling inspired and motivated to create small, realistic changes that will lead you toward a simpler approach…FASTER than trying to do it on your own.
Training that is relevant for YOUR position in early childhood…
Thanks To These 3 Bundles You Can...
Stop adding unnecessary documentation to that paperwork pile you have growing in the corner
Stop feeling pressured to complete an unrealistic number of observations ‘just because that’s the number’.
Stop feeling unmotivated, inadequate, judged or embarrassed.
Stop feeling like you are always in catchup mode with no time for the children or setting up your activities.
So how do the resource bundles work?
Every Mentor Me Bundle includes training sessions, e-guides and templates that come together to guide early years educators toward a more realistic Keep It Simple Approach…Something that is unfortunately missing in early childhood at the moment.
I believe there are 4 Pillars To Supporting Confident, Simplified, Planning & Prep for Early Years Educators >>>
Planning & Paperwork
The tools & strategies needed to simplify your documentation & manage your time.
Play & Programs
The consistent flow of ideas to ignite early learning with your activities, experiences and program.
Environments & Engagement
The inspiration, ideas and equipment to transform your indoor & outdoor learning spaces on a budget.
Communication, Reflection & Growth
The essential building blocks needed to ensure opportunities to ascend as a Leader, Communicator & Mentor.
The key to using a keep it simple, back to essentials approach in YOUR planning and feeling more motivated to continue in the early childhood profession is to focus on just ONE of those pillar areas at a time to clarify ways you can use simpler strategies.
The bundles I’ve put together for you connect seamlessly to the Keep It Simple approach by giving educators clear steps to follow using the Mentor Moment Reflection Guides included for each of the 16 training videos to set realistic goals and clarify the action steps needed to achieve those goals.
It’s easy to follow as I’ve broken down all of the steps and included lots of visual examples of real planning, environments, programs and activities.
See how easy it is to find the videos and resources in your Mentor Me Training Hub after logging in…
I know you’re always busy with limited time to focus on your own professional development at the moment… so I’ve even sorted all of the training sessions in each of the Mentor Me Bundles into the 4 Pillar Areas of the Keep It Simple Approach for you so you can get the support you need straight away for the area you feel you need the most help to simplify .
This isn’t just a collection of training videos…it’s the additional support YOU need to also USE the ideas, tips and tools for YOUR role within YOUR early education environment.
The Mentor Me Step By Step Video Training Bundles
I’ve put together these training bundles in our step by step mentor me training portal so it’s fast and easy for you to dive in as you get time - with lifetime access there is no hurry to watch any of the videos or claim your professional development certificate.
Imagine finally understanding how to balance the paperwork essentials with enough time for quality interactions with the children, meaning you’ll be able to…
In the role you studied so hard for and want to continue to grow your skills and support early education for young children.
And know how to tell the difference between reflection and critical reflection so you can use both approaches in your everyday work.
Feel more relaxed about your planning methods and the information you document to complete each step.
forward plan
Set up a planning & documentation cycle that doesn't take a lot of time, consistently informs and makes your forward planning easier so that you can show an ongoing cycle of learning and development.
write playful programs
Show clear links to learning outcomes on your program without adding boring outcome numbers everywhere that parents don't even understand & therefore don't bother reading.
setup & extend
Have more time to set up your learning environments, invitations and activities the way you want them...not just the same everyday as that's all you have time for.
You CAN Achieve All Of Those Thanks To...
Lifetime access to easy to understand quick training videos...
Which means that you can learn at your open pace, revisit and reflect as needed, focus on one strategy or idea at a time and SEE step by step examples and photos to help you visualise and imagine.
Professional Development Certificates...
For EVERY training session no matter how short so you can check off those required training hours way ahead of time and build your skills as an educator at a pace that suits you.
Mentor Moments Reflection Guides...
That will show you how to self reflect, set goals and create realistic action steps - also a valuable record of evidence and reflective practice.
Templates, Examples and Documentation Tools...
That give you the step by step actions and processes to follow so you aren’t always wondering if you are on the right track
Regular emails from Jodie (that’s ME!)...
That will keep you focused, feeling supported and assured that you can ask questions without feeling judged so you can take what you’re learning and actually use it!
Mentor Me Sale Ends Tuesday July 5th
You will NOT be able to get access to the videos again all in one place after this sale ends as they are normally only available to people who have paid for enrolment into my premium programming and outdoor play courses or a paid subscriber to my early years member hub.
What kinds of early childhood educators and leaders find these training sessions useful?
Take a look below…
is a family day care educator...
Who was feeling a little flat with the style of programming she had been using. She didn’t feel it suited her style and had lost her motivation. After watching the training sessions she said she was feeling ‘excited and eager now to start afresh with my programming’.
is a kindergarten teacher...
Who was really surprised at the fact that we don’t need to always be showing links visually to the learning outcomes and so inspired after watching the observation training that she went on to incorporate some of what was said into their observation process at the centre.
is an educational leader...
Who used the ideas gained from one of the workshops to get her team thinking about how they set up an area to encourage more engaged play and they also learnt how to extend their indoor program to the outside environment.
is an Assistant Educator...
Who was worried about how to link all of the steps of her planning cycle together while also keeping parents and carers in the loop. She now understands how to focus on the learning when writing her observations and uses a simpler layout.
is a centre Director...
Who discovered she was doubling up on parts of her planning process. She’s now simplified the process they use and her staff think it’s ‘simple & effective, AND it doesn’t take too much time to complete!”
is a Family Daycare Coordinator...
Who learnt the importance of ensuring educators understand the ‘why’ in what they are doing and how to make the planning cycle more visual. She went on to explain to her educators “what each step means and why they are doing it rather than just saying you have to plan, program, analyse etc”.
The Reason Behind This Sale Is Simply Because I Wanted To Recognise That It's Been A Challenging Start To This Year For Those Of Us In Early Childhood & I For One Am Glad To Celebrate The End Of This Financial Year...
Why? Because I believe the next 6 months is going to be a whole lot better for the early childhood sector and I want to help you - no matter your role or experience level, to become part of this positive shift so you can help safeguard the future of our children and access to quality early education.
I'm Making This Even Easier For You...
With 3 fantastic BONUSES for FREE when you purchase just 1 of the Mentor Me Bundles

BONUS #1 - Lifetime Access
You have limited time for professional development right now but it's also what is going to make your job easier so I've given you lifetime access to watch the videos and download the resources...come back as many times as you need!

BONUS #2 - Mp3 Audio For Videos
Included for all of the workshop and training presentations so you can listen on the go and come back to the video to watch when you get time.
Want some more good news?
Everyone who purchases during this sale will receive access to the bonuses above...
But, you'll ALSO get...
A Special Bonus Resource Pack Specific To The Mentor Me Bundle You Purchase.
Why Are They Different?
All of the resources inside the Bonus Bundles have been selected because they give you the specific tools and extra support you need to complete your chosen action steps ….the ones you already decided on after watching your workshops and setting your goals in the Mentor Me Reflection Booklet.
So that means there’s no having to wait around until you have the extra budget or wasting your valuable time procrastinating on what is the best way forward because you have it all there waiting for you and ready to use as needed!



Lead With Confidence & Clarity...
When you use the tools in this bonus bundle along with the strategies, tips and ideas in the Leader & Coordinator Mentor Me workshop videos you will:

- 1Better understand the role of a leader and why you don’t need to become a ‘manager’ as well to create change and support high quality practice.
- 2Use your time more effectively to find a balance between your leader role and on the floor educator role.
- 3Create agendas and run meetings that are meaningful and productive for all involved…and not just a ‘chore’.
- 4Know how to complete planning cycle reviews with other educators and support their knowledge of the steps required.
- 5Put processes in place that encourage ongoing reflection, self assessment and improvements.
- 6Confidently document clear quality improvement plans and action steps needed so everyone is on the same page.
Total Value $169
Document The Learning Journey...
The Keep It Simple guides and other resources in this Bonus pack connect to the Mentor Me Bundle of training that will make it easier for Educators working in a centre based environment to:

- 1Document and extend a child’s learning journey without writing more than you need to.
- 2Gather and then incorporate information from the children’s own voices into your program to increase belonging, engaging and agency.
- 3Choose an observation method that you understand and can use with ease.
- 4Plan activities and intentional teaching experiences that consistently lead to a broad range of learning outcomes.
- 5Communicate a child’s learning and developmental progress with parents and carers in an easy to understand way that is also helpful for you because it informs your forward planning.
- 6Confidently know how to write a program and set up engaging learning spaces for children in different age groups with different goals.
Total Value $149
Boost My Family Daycare Business...
Using the information gained from these bonus Keep It Simple guides and your Mentor Me videos will result in you :

- 1Knowing how to put strategies in place that ensure less vacancies and more consistent income for you.
- 2An increase in successful enrolments after initial enquiry visits and interviews.
- 3Introducing processes and assertive communication principles that will lower the number of late pickups, early dropoffs and ‘can I pay my fees next week instead as I have other bills to pay this week’ conversations.
- 4Having a clearer understanding of how to set up activities and spaces for multi-age groups using what you already have …and do it in a way that doesn’t annoy your own family!
Total Value $149
I'm A Leader...What Training Videos Do I get In My Bundle?

+ This Bonus Resource Bundle

I'm A Family Daycare Educator...What Training Videos Do I get In My Bundle?

+ This Bonus Resource Bundle

I'm A Centre Based Educator...What Training Videos Do I get In My Bundle?

+ This Bonus Resource Bundle

Watch All The Videos In Your Own Mentor Me Training Essentials Hub...

Mentor Me Essentials Bundle For Early Learning Centre Educators

Mentor Me Essentials Bundle For Leaders, Directors & Coordinators

Mentor Me Essentials Bundle For Home/Family Daycare Educators

Here's What You Get When you Purchase Any Bundle During This Mentor Training Essentials Sale...

Lifetime Access To Watch
All 16 videos categorised into 4 core learning and professional development areas for you. You get ifetime access when you buy a bundle during this sale so you can grab it now but watch later whenever it suits YOU.
Help To Reflect & Set Goals
You don't just get a video to watch - you also get a step by step guide to reflecting on the workshop you just watched so you can set goals and take action on YOUR next steps.
Certificates & Mp3 Audio
Certificates, Mp3 Audio to listen to training on the go, planning templates, tools and ebooks all designed to help you consume and learn the information you need right now to simplify your workload in any way it works for YOU.

I think you'll agree this is already less than what an early childhood consultant or trainer would charge to come to your centre or family daycare scheme to present just ONE training session...and it's usually extra for any follow up support or resources required.
You definitely don't get lifetime access to watch the training as many times as is helpful for you with an expensive consultant or conference attendance...if you have the time or budget for those options of course!
I don't know about you but I often need to go through a training at least twice before I get everything I need out of it, we tend to pick up more when watching for a second time - and there's no shame in that... so why not take advantage when you can.
If I'm honest, I really like being able to attend training from my bed with a glass of white in hand too which is probably the main reason I love online training...but you didn't hear that from me ;)
So, until July the 5th you can grab one of the special Mentor Me Bundles I've created to Ignite Confidence, Restore Support and Motivate You As An Educator to stay in the profession and job you've always wanted to do..and still do with a little help to KEEP IT SIMPLE.
I'll show you how to do this without having to give up on quality interactions or complete more unnecessary paperwork, all without wasting your valuable time on training that leaves you feeling inadequate, embarrassed or judged.
The Mentor Me Bundles are DEFINITELY worth $499 - But You Can Get One For $37 Instead.
So let's get you excited about early childhood and your job again - choose your bundle below & click on the button to go to the checkout...
Do you run a family daycare service & need some support?
What do other educators say about Jodie's training sessions?

Jade H
Ed Leader

Bella L
Centre Ed

Helen M
Family Daycare Ed

Margaret G
Ed Leader

Kym A
Preschool Teacher

Leanne G
Kindergarten Teacher

Tracey C
Ed Leader
So let's commit to making small but positive changes toward Keeping It Simple....
Yes, we need to document and assess...for many reasons.
But it doesn’t need to be your sole focus or a cause of fear..think of it as the mortar that holds all of your other blocks together and helps you form a strong tower using your everyday actions and practice instead of one that is unstable because you pile all of the ‘program mortar’ on the top (wrongly) believing it is the most important aspect of your role instead of just one part.
Give yourself permission to go back to simple even if someone is telling you ‘you should know that’.
Set up a planning and program process with steps you can follow on autopilot - draw on examples and modify to suit your individual needs. (The steps become a habit you won’t even think about after a while).
Use critical reflection tools that don’t add unnecessary documentation to your planning cycle but still allow you to show evidence of self-assessment, goal setting and growth.
Set up and maintain a visually rich learning environment that tells children they are welcome, they can direct their own play and this is their space to belong.
Questions Other Educators Asked Before They Purchased
Not really...I’ve taken all of these training videos out of my larger, premium Programming Made Simple & Outdoor Play Courses and also The Empowered Ed Member Hub so unless you have paid for one of those programs you will not be able to access these training videos and tools together after this Mentor Me sale ends...that’s why they are so special!
All 3 Mentor Me Bundles are housed inside my private Empowered Educator Learning Network - a professional development portal. When you join, you’ll get an email with everything you need to know in order to log in and get started straight away.
Once you purchase access to your chosen bundle, you get to watch all of the videos and use the tools anytime you like…for life. That means once you grab your resource bundle at today’s special low price, you can go back and revisit the training and other resources whenever you want.
Awesome! Why? Because I create all of my training sessions and resources with you in mind! I’ve kept the contents of each bundle as simple as possible – if you can click a big green button and hit save you are good to go!
And I’m not trying to be flippant with you - I know from talking regularly to my Empowered Ed Member Hub Subscribers that being asked to do something online can send a shiver down your spine because it’s SO out of your comfort zone and you don’t want to look silly or feel frustrated. But you are certainly not alone in that feeling and I totally get that!
That’s why I set up a special ‘help me’ page in your Mentor Me training portal that has videos where I walk you through some simple yet common questions like how to download and save your certificates!
In the unlikely event, you find yourself still having difficulty with something, I’ll even record a personal step by step walkthrough video for you so your question is always answered (and never seen as silly or embarassing)!
Rather than saying ‘you should know how to do this’ I see ‘not being good with computers’ as just another way I can simplify your work and grow your skills - let’s face it…computers are not going anywhere soon…but I can help you to use them for your programming and professional development needs ;-)
- Click on one of those big buttons on this page underneath the bundle most aligned with your current role.
- You’ll be directed to a checkout page.
Decide how you want to pay and enter your details at the checkout (credit card or Paypal) - Hit the buy button then go check your inbox for an email with your receipt and details of how to login to begin watching straight away.
The videos and handouts for all 3 training bundles are currently only available online to watch (videos) or in a PDF file format (handouts/guides & certificates).
That means you will not receive the digital resources in your mailbox but it does allow you the opportunity to access your resources straight away by downloading to the digital tool of your choice - smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer and logging in from anywhere when you are connected to the internet.
If you prefer to work in hardcopies you can print out all of your templates, ebooks and guides or just the core pages you want to use.
Please note that when you purchase a bundle containing videos you will have lifetime access to a special training page where you can log in and watch your videos at any many times as you like. You won’t be able to download the actual videos but you will be able to download and keep the certificates, reflection guides, Mp3 audio and any associated handouts.
Choose Your Mentor Me Bundle + BONUS Below

Which Training Will You Watch First After you Login?