You're about to access a proven, step by step plan to make your programming , documentation and assessment not only easier to understand but faster to complete.

You get lifetime access to all videos and templates for $47 $297

You'll also be able to start a chat and get your questions answered at anytime with our exclusively trained Course Mentor & Tutor 'Penny Planning', that will make your documentation even easier!

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Why You'll Love It...

  • No quizzes, no deadlines, no difficult questions to decipher - just simple steps and achievable guidelines
  • Real examples and step by step strategies from an educator who has been doing this for over 30 - I've figured out all the shortcuts and time savers!
  • Download to keep all of the planning templates, checklists and communication tools to use as needed again and again.
  • Certificate for 8 hours professional development. 

“This was really valuable for me - I enjoyed all the learning ideas and examples shared and I also feel the training is more valuable when done by someone that has been IN the field”

“You made it very clear that programming does not need to be so complicated and I can just keep it simple.”

Ask Our AI Tutor & Assistant 'Penny Planning' For Even More help With Your Documentation

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