How To Design, Setup & Plan For Outdoor Learning & Spaces - Video Training Series...

You're about to access an online video series for educators, leaders and coordinators working in family daycare, early learning centres and outside school hours care settings who want to set up inspiring outdoor learning environments and activities that foster engagement but aren't sure where to start or what to do to create change...

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Chat with our new and exclusively trained AI Course Mentor & Tutor 'Olive Outdoors', to make planning for outdoor learning even easier!

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Why You'll Love It...

  • On demand access to your exclusive  course AI Assistant & tutor 'Olive Outdoors' - answers to your questions & help with all planning
  • No quizzes, no deadlines, no difficult questions to decipher - just simple steps to copy.
  • Real examples and step by step strategies from an educator who has been doing this for over 30 years - I've figured out all the shortcuts and time savers!
  • Download to keep all of the templates, action guides, checklists, posters and other resources to use as needed again and again.
  • Certificate for 8 hours professional development. 

“Jodie, you provided all participants with such relevant detail that went beyond the square. The blend of visual aids with the extremely informative detail provided much food for thought. Thank you.”

“I have found this extremely helpful and full of very valuable advice which I will share with the team I am working with, a great resource for Early Years Educators no matter which country they are in.”

“I've always been nervous to use loose parts and some other areas of study with infants and toddlers. This course has great ideas for incorporating those into an infant/toddler environment. I'm excited to update my outdoor space to include the wonderful ideas presented here in this course.”

Ask Your Course AI Assistant & Tutor 'Olive Outdoors' For Even More help With Planning For Outdoor Learning

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