Simple Critical Reflection - Step By Step Prompts & Journal
Simple Critical Reflection - Step By Step Prompts & Journal Product description

Tired of being told you NEED to be reflecting in your role as educator and able to show evidence but not being shown HOW to do this in a way you understand?

This Empowered Educator Reflection Journal for Educators doesn't just give you a space to write reflections - it gives you the ideas, prompts and guidance so you understand HOW to reflect across different areas step by step and most importantly HOW to organise and use that information in your forward planning, professional development and then set realistic goals you can confidently achieve.

Use the journal as a resource to help you:

  • Turn reflection into a habit that you automatically ‘do' regularly rather than dread or waste time figuring out when you have to.

  • Understand WHAT reflection really means to you as an educator.

  • HOW to use the information that comes from your reflections to save time with your forward planning and ensure programming is useful.

  • Use reflection as a valuable part of your planning cycle instead of an EXTRA piece of paperwork on top of what you already have to document.

  • Mentor and confidently show other educators how to begin reflection and use it as part of their professional development and planning.

  • Clarify your own goals, values, philosophy and how to use them to inform your reflections.

  • Reflect weekly and monthly with a few quick steps.

  • Set professional development goals and raise awareness of extra support or training you require. Record progress on those goals and collect new ideas to share.

  • Record ongoing evidence day by day that will be ready to go for those A&R visits – no more scrambling and sleepless nights worrying!

  • See the difference between reflection and critical reflection through the use of journal pages and simple critical reflection prompts broken down into sections to help you get started at a pace that suits you!

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