Calling Early Childhood Educators, Leaders & Directors Who Need Support & Mentorship To Stay In Their Current Role…
Want to ENJOY Creating Opportunities For Play Based Early Learning Again?
Of course you do - even without a supportive manager, service or complete confidence in your ability to meet all of the standards and regulations expected of you because you’re feeling constantly exhausted and uninspired...
But what if you were able to get the training & mentorship you needed to feel supported, reignite your motivation, restore confidence and make a difference to whether you continue in early childhood or not?
“You’re so good with children - you should get into early childhood!” they said
“The training you have to do will all be worth it because you’ll gain qualifications that are valued in a profession that’s respected!” they said

Everybody seems to talk about how important early education is and the valuable role educators play in the lives of children...
You’ve no doubt heard stories in the media about how they get to spend ‘quality time’ with children each day supporting their learning through ‘just playing’.
And the ‘experts’ tell us that educators have many opportunities to become empowered mentors and leaders because they can (of course!) access targeted professional development opportunities suited to their role and the mentorship needed to then use these new skills.
Well that early years sector, wherever it is, must be nice…
I wish we could all go there don't you?
I chose to study for my early childhood qualifications and work with young children because I firmly believed that by providing playful early learning opportunities in the early years of a child’s life I could make a difference and help get them off to a good start.
I still believe that. And I’m pretty sure that you feel that way too or you wouldn’t be here reading this...
The Problem Is...
In reality, recent figures show an alarming number of early childhood educators and leaders have left our sector over the past 6 months, many more are away each day using up their non-existent sick pay and this makes it even more imperative that you are able to access the quality support, learning and guidance YOU need.
Because it often seems like you’re the one left picking up the slack at the moment and working way more hours than what’s written on the roster - especially when over ratio if you expect to leave when your knock off time comes around!

It’s no wonder you’ve been thinking a job at Maccas wouldn’t be so bad and found yourself practising ‘would you like fries with that’ in that dream the other night because you have no idea where this magical utopia of valued and well supported educators is.
Who could blame you?
It’s like there’s a secret training and support strategy that you’re not in on, and you just wish somebody would finally open up and tell you what it is.
I’m that somebody!
Hi, I'm Jodie, your planning and play mentor.
The answer to you as an educator feeling more motivated and able to confidently guide and extend children’s early learning day after day with everything else you’re expected to do, is first understanding how to BALANCE your planning, programs, assessment, play, interactions and environment by simplifying what you’re already doing and removing what’s NOT useful or meaningful.
It ISN’T a solution to just expect more of the WHAT constantly from educators (or yourself!). More paperwork, more templates, more assessments or more complicated steps and processes to follow without any WHY, HOW or WHEN support.
After all - we want to continue to work with young children and we want to encourage other educators to join us…which isn’t going to happen if we’re still feeling unsupported, inadequate or judged.
You just need a few simpler documentation tools, step by step training that explains concepts visually for you with real examples you can actually relate to, easier processes to follow so that you can stop doubling up on paperwork… and a whole lot of support with a sprinkling of mentorship to build on your current strengths and skills...

Which Is Why You Need...
The templates, training, play ideas, programs & time management resources that will give you the motivation and action steps to get through all those child observations, assessment visits, room setups, forward planning notes, program writing and reflections with confidence and no more unnecessary writing.
And that time you'll save with those tools at your fingertips…
will allow you to focus on more quality interactions with the children and setting up activities and experiences that will create incidental and intentional opportunities for early learning...the part of the job you actually love and feel inspired by.

After 30 years working in early education & community services…
And the past 12 years online supporting students, assistants, educators, room leaders and directors to simplify their planning, setup budget friendly learning environments and activities that invite engagement and create more time for quality interactions with the children,
I can tell you with 100% certainty that educators who first understand how to follow a keep it simple, back to essentials approach in their planning and practice AND most importantly, receive the SUPPORT they need to continually reflect on and modify these steps to suit their current strengths, service type and experience level….
…Are without a doubt more inspired, confident and happier educators.
They still meet all requirements of their role but the difference is they have simple steps to follow that ensures they can ditch the ‘always in catch up’ mode while feeling valued and supported.
I Keep Coming Back To Simple...
Through years of on the floor experience trying out different strategies and methods to deliver high quality experiences and outcomes for children (while also maintaining my own sanity!), not to mention planning mistakes that wasted a lot of my time, the most effective approach I’ve found that still works for me even today is to just ‘Keep It Simple’.
Not every educator is 'exceeding level' skilled at documentation and paperwork... and that’s ok
Not every observation tool, family communication app, learning story format or program template makes sense to every educator…and that’s ok
We're all unique in the way we document, support and extend a child’s early learning journey because we don’t all have the same strengths, resources, age groups or even levels of experience.
And that is ABSOLUTELY ok.
Yes Really...That's Why A Keep It Simple Approach Works So Well For All Educators - No matter Their Experience Or Early Years Role.
It transforms complicated planning cycles and unnecessary paperwork into a clear step by step routine that actually gives you the information needed to inform your future planning and speed up the entire documentation cycle …
and that means...
It supports educators to arrive home each day feeling more confident in their work and not worried about HOW to complete something with the time and budget they have because they now understand WHY they are doing it in the first place and what works with their strengths…not the person down in the preschool room or the FDC educator around the corner.
Want To Know How I Keep It Simple?
My *secret strategy* is to use a Keep It Simple Approach To Planning & Play...
Yep, that’s it. No fancy tricks.
Just back to basics steps & choosing to use easier methods instead of complicated.
I've Been Using This 'Simpler' Approach To Planning For The Last 30 Years In Early Childhood...and so can you

The Truth?
The way many of our online early childhood training institutions now teach the planning cycle and what educators *must* do to create the best possible outcomes for children’s early learning is broken, rushed and too focused on one type fits all strategies and methods.
Everywhere you look, early education managers and services (both home based and centre based) are telling you to complete a certain number of observations, reflections and programs. But nobody is teaching you…
WHY you need to do all this writing or HOW you could modify it to better suit your skills, strengths and the age group you work with so it becomes less overwhelming and time consuming.
And this means even our experienced educators and leaders are becoming more stressed as they try to explain something they aren’t quite sure of themselves anymore because there are so many ECE myths and false interpretations of framework expectations circulating right now.

Every educator should be shown HOW to confidently use a *simpler* approach to their documentation, setups and program writing to gather meaningful information that ultimately supports children’s learning…
and yet I see so many who aren’t…and unfortunately, they are the educators and teachers burning out at an alarming rate in early education.
But It's Not Your Fault...
you just haven’t been shown HOW to simplify Your Documentation & processes In A Way That Ensures You still complete the planning cycle & Meet Regulations...
...So That You end up less stressed & Frustrated about Doing it

i'm not sure how to do this
Like many other educators, teachers and leaders, you’ve probably just been told WHAT you need to do to meet the many standards and outcomes *required*... and then you're left on your own to figure out the you try to do a bit of everything...all of the time.
when do i get time for this?
…it’s easy to see why you might FEEL like you're always stuck in catch up mode with paperwork with little time left to actually engage with the children or set up your environments the way you want them.

I don’t know about you but I feel so frustrated when early childhood educators tell me they *have* to complete 10 learning stories or link every activity they plan to a learning outcome to meet the requirements of frameworks and standards...
Because it's simply not true...
…and I believe if there was more emphasis on supporting educators to understand the WHY and HOW of the planning and documentation cycle rather than just the quantity of paperwork to show *evidence* of planning, we wouldn't have so many stressed, qualified and disappointed educators leaving our sector right now.
It’s not good enough. And it’s time to change that...

You probably haven’t heard this in awhile but you DO have rights and options as an educator…
You deserve to go to work each day feeling motivated, inspired and excited by the important work that you do…and we want leaders to have the resources and guidance they need to mentor new educators so it lessens the current burden on our more experienced educators.
So if you’re an educational leader, room leader, family daycare educator, student, preschool teacher, kindergarten teacher or director who wants to confidently balance your planning, activities, documentation, assessments and time with well set up, engaging learning environments and meaningful interactions with children...
...but aren't sure where to start or what to do to mentor others toward creating change…
Here's How We'll get You There...

Let Me Introduce You To...
The Academy For Empowered Educators
Mentorship, Resources & Training To Support & Inspire Early Childhood Educators

The Academy is the most comprehensive, empowering, on-demand professional development resource and training solution of its kind, specifically created for early Childhood Educators all over the world who want to make their job not only easier but more fulfilling!
All Members Now Get Exclusive Access To The NEW...
Academy AI Assistants & Mentors
As an early childhood educator, you know the value of having an experienced mentor by your side but who can afford that?
Now, imagine having a team of mentors available anytime you need them!
Introducing the Empowered Educator AI Assistants - Dottie, Ellie and Lacey. This virtual mentor team has been specially trained to support YOU in your teaching journey.

Struggling to document meaningful observations? Dottie will guide you step-by-step.
Unsure how to link activities to EYLF outcomes? Ellie has you covered.
Overwhelmed as a new leader? Lacey provides expert leadership advice.
The Academy AI Assistants & Mentors make planning, reflecting and growing as an educator so much easier.
They work around the clock to provide personalised guidance and coaching when YOU need it.
Even tech novices find the Assistants easy to use. Because with step by step video tutorials and done for you question prompts, you'll be chatting confidently with your AI Mentor in mere minutes.

Take A Peek At What Members See After They Join ...
Choose The Subscription Method That Works Best For You ...
Choose An Annual Subscription & Get EVERYTHING From The Monthly Tier + FREE Access To The Following Resources That Will Make Your Planning Even Easier & More Meaningful...

$297 Value

$297 Value

$250 Value

$197 Value

$197 Value

$197 Value

$197 Value

$250 Value

$250 Value

$250 Value

$97 Value

$97 Value

$27 Value

$97 Value

Want To Learn How Artificial Intelligence Tools Can Make Work Easier & More Enjoyable?
Annual Subscribers get exclusive access to the only early childhood focused AI workshop series that shows you how to save time on documentation, assessment, activity ideas and program planning.

Designed to make AI integration easy, even for educators who don't consider themselves tech-savvy.
The step-by-step guidance will help you overcome any fears you might have about how to use ChatGPT to help with your early education planning, prep and setup.

New AI Workshop & Resource Toolkit Every Month Presented By A Certified ChatGPT Expert...
Who also has over 30 years experience in the early childhood & community services professions
Chat With AI Mentor Amy...

AI Amy will help you experiment and gain confidence with the new Artificial Intelligence skills you're learning as you open every monthly toolkit.

Why I'm Uniquely Qualified to Guide Your AI-Driven Planning Journey…
With over 30 years in early education, I've worn many hats and understand the diverse challenges educators face, from planning and documentation to juggling a work-life balance. As a Certified ChatGPT Expert, I'm now focused on making these tasks more manageable through ethical AI use.
My aim is to simplify AI for educators, offering customised digital chat tools and helpful resources that make planning less overwhelming and more achievable. The ultimate goal? To give you the freedom to focus on meaningful interactions and playful learning opportunities with the children.
Let's collaborate to use AI tech in simple ways that free up your time for what you truly excel at and enjoy!
This professional development portal not only GIVES YOU THE TOOLS & TRAINING… it also SHOWS YOU HOW to use them with visual examples, step by step strategies and educational AI Assistants.

You’ll find the Empowered Ed ‘KEEP IT SIMPLE’ approach used throughout the entire collection of resources, training and tools inside The Academy.
And This Means You'll Be Able To...
write programs faster
Simplify the steps of your planning cycle so you can write weekly and monthly programs in half the time it usually takes you.
spend less time writing
Stop wasting time on unnecessary writing and manage the little time you do have more effectively.
feel more confident
Access the resources you need to do your job well on-demand when it suits you
extend your skills
Ensure you are not left frustrated trying to find training that is useful to your specific ECE role
stop looking for activities
Instead, you can choose from a library of play-based activities for 0-12 years that are ready to go straight onto your program since they are already linked to learning areas for you.
setup the way you want
Have more time to set up your learning environments, invitations and activities the way you want them
And with our new AI Assistants & Mentors there to answer your questions on demand, finally getting in front of your planning, documentation and assessment so you can get back to what's really important , is now possible for you...

All This Without Having To...

Fill in templates or apps you don’t understand because ‘everyone else does it this way’.
Connect everything on your program to a theorist or learning outcome before the play can begin.
Stare at a blank template wondering what your going to put on your program this week
Worry about how you can show written evidence of an ongoing cycle of learning.
Spend hours and hours documenting and analysing children’s observations without gaining any meaningful information to make your forward planning easier.
Resort to writing more than you need to or buying expensive resources because you haven’t been given the basic information and guidance that you need to complete your planning cycle... and you feel too embarassed to ask for help
Use the same old equipment in the same old ways to set up your learning environments…leaving you AND the children feeling bored and uninspired.
How Can I Make Planning, Documentation & Day To Day Practice Even Easier For You?
By giving you access to these 4 BONUS RESOURCE HUBS as part of your Academy For Empowered Educators membership when you join us today!
Together with the 4 Pillar Resource Libraries and your Member Mentorship Map you will be feeling more confident, inspired and valued right from your very first day!

BONUS #1...
Access To The Airtable Digital Planning Hub
The perfect solution to complicated online apps and planning programs for educators!
Simply choose your templates inside now and become a master in simple digital planning for educators...

BONUS #2...
Access To The NEW Mindfulness & Wellbeing Hub...
Time to focus on YOUR self care!
This Hub gives you on demand access to mini meditation audios, interactive sessions, breathing exercises, mindfulness tools and other resources that will help you to set boundaries, boost your energy and create a calmer you.

BONUS #3...
Access To The Canva Editable Templates Hub...
A library of specially designed, easy to use templates that YOU can personalise and edit to suit your specific early years role using the Canva design tool.
+ Step By Step Video Tutorials
Done for you monthly inquiry led planners so you can now access 'Curiosity Spark Topics & Extension Activities' ...

BONUS #5 - AI Powered Assistants & Mentors
Welcome to a New Era of Early Childhood Education Support with the Empowered Educator AI Assistants Virtual Team!

Say hello to personalised mentorship, useful documentation support, and leadership guidance at your fingertips – any time, any day.

How Can Each AI Assistant Help You?
The AI Assistants & Mentors upgrade takes the Academy to a whole new level. As a member, you already get 100+ templates, training and resources. Now you also get 24/7 support from AI mentors with early childhood training and expertise by simply starting a chat conversation!

Ellie EYLF

Lacey Leadership

Dottie Documentation
And SO much more...for educators and leaders working in early childhood education settings like early learning centres, preschools, outside school hours care, family day care and kindergartens.

Our members can access the community support and tools they need inside the Academy to help them arrive at work each day feeling motivated and confident….
...instead of letting the less important things like a poopy pants incident, pockets filled with snotty tissues, not enough child observations, red handprints on the shorts (that will probably have to be explained yet again to some stranger at the shops after work) and writing this week’s program overwhelm them.

Simone W
preschool teacher
It's amazing. Well organised, easy to access and has wonderful has provided me with lots of great webinars, planning ideas and resources.
Lucie S
OSHC Coordinator
This is somewhere to go that has all that I need in one place and that is user friendly and you explain everything so well to make everything so easy and simple...there is continuing learning on everything we do.
Karen B
centre director
Your website is an absolutely fantastic resource for educators at all levels...fantastic resources and easy to navigate.
It Can Be As Simple As Starting With >>>>
The truth is, even if you’re not getting the support you need from your centre manager, director, service or family day care coordinator/scheme at the moment, you CAN recapture your confidence and the optimism and enthusiasm you deserve to feel each day when you start your shift...
Downloading a template, checklist or step by step visual guide exactly when you need it so there's no wasted time or procrastination because you're not sure what to use or how to start
Making use of the visual tools, planning cycle workshops and quick guides to help you clarify, understand and decide what to use to complete each step of your own planning cycle
Watching a quick training video that shows you a simpler way to do something you’re currently struggling with,
Finding an activity guide that meets a specific learning outcome to include on your program
Or just taking part in a member event or community discussion that leaves you feeling inspired and motivated to create small, realistic changes that will save you time or leave you feeling optimistic.
All of them lead you toward a simpler approach…and so much FASTER than trying to do it on your own.

So, the secret to making your role less stressful & more enjoyable again while also growing your skills and knowledge as an educator is to…
Use The Academy 4 Pillars To Confident, Simplified, Planning & Prep For ECE Educators…
The Empowered Ed Keep It Simple approach to ensuring planning and documentation is simpler and therefore easier to complete, weaves throughout all 4 of these pillars…
… and when you have access to all of the resources within the 4 Academy Resource Pillars, it is so much easier to transition from feeling uncertain or overwhelmed to empowered and confident in your role as an early years professional.
1. Planning & Paperwork
The tools & strategies needed to simplify your documentation & manage your time.
2. Play & Programs
The consistent flow of ideas to ignite early learning with your activities, experiences and program.
3. Environments & Engagement
The inspiration, ideas and equipment to transform your indoor & outdoor learning spaces on a budget.
4. Communication, Reflection & Growth
The essential building blocks needed to ensure opportunities to ascend as a Leader, Communicator & Mentor.
Without the right documentation processes and tools in place, getting your planning done and writing your program is always going to feel way too overwhelming…not to mention frustrating.

The good news? Becoming a member changes that for you because you get access to a step by step visual guide (we call it our ‘Member Map’) …that will routinely fill you with confidence and bring you back to simpler, clearer planning, prep and environment setup.

I help you decide on your priority pillar - the support and resource area that would be the MOST helpful for you right now and we start there.
It’s your choice whether to dive in and out of all 4 Pillar Resource Libraries or just focus on one pillar area as you need it.
After watching your planning cycle video on Facebook I just had to sign up. I feel like I've already recouped my first monthly subscription payment just from downloading your planning guide!
Indrie H
educational Leader
Plenty of resources and it helps you understand the cycle of planning in an easy way. Ideas of activities, environment setups and the best thing is that each activity links to learning areas & extension ideas.
educational leader
So many great resources, particularly love the templates which saved me so much time and energy, allowing me more time with the children.
This is YOUR professional development journey...
Think of it like one of those ‘choose your own adventure’ books we used to read in the 90’s and the 4 Pillars are your pathways that all eventually connect together to lead you toward achieving YOUR specific goals and support needs…before creating new ones and mapping out a new path to travel.
The 4 Pillars give YOU a map to follow to make sure you receive the support and simpler steps you need to continue your important work in the early education of children…in the areas of professional development YOU specifically need the most for the demands of your role right now.
And the good news for you is that because we use the 'Keep It Simple Approach' throughout the whole of the Academy, I’ve already sorted all of our training, templates, workshops, printables, action guides and ebooks into the 4 different pillars to create a simple success path for you to start with that will help you make the absolute most of your time as an Academy member and not waste valuable time on the stuff that you don’t need right now.
Because the key to using a keep it simple, back to essentials approach in YOUR planning and feeling more motivated to continue in the early childhood profession is to focus on just ONE of those pillar areas at a time to clarify ways you can use simpler strategies.
What ‘one thing’ on your current planning to do list TODAY, could you check off or learn more about that would then give you more time and confidence in your day?

Not sure? Let’s take a closer look at what each Pillar will solve for you as you follow your Member Map and unlock each of the 4 Pillar Resource Libraries inside the Academy…

Pillar 1 Resource Pathway
The Academy PLANNING & PAPERWORK LIBRARY is packed with the tools and training you need to simplify your documentation, planning and paperwork while managing your time more effectively.

Unlocking Pillar 1 Will Give You…
All of the Pillar 1 training videos, templates & printables to SIMPLIFY your PLANNING & PAPERWORK...

Meaningful Observations
The steps and tools you need to source and document more meaningful observations so that analysing the learning taking place becomes easier
Children's Voices & Interests
Creative ways to capture the children’s voices and interests so that you can include them in your programs and learning environment setups with ease.
A Way To Link Documentation
Documentation tools that link together as a step by step process so that it makes sense to you and clearly demonstrates how you evaluate, assess and share a child’s progress on their individual learning journey.
Easier Forward Planning
Videos that show you real examples of all of those methods in action and how to connect them so that you’re not writing more than you need to and actually use the information you collect from your documentation to inform your forward planning.

Organised Paperwork
Printables and processes that make it easier and faster for you to organise your paperwork, children’s files, family information, and planning resources…so that you’re no longer wasting time looking for essential paperwork.
Dana S
educational leader
I found Member Hub (The Academy) so useful as I was just starting out in my educational leader role. I was lucky enough to be able to pass everything I have learnt on to the next educational leader.
Joanne N
family daycare educator
Hi Jodie.. just a quick thankyou so much for all the hard work you have put into this amazing resource. I absolutely love looking through all the hub has to offer. It has refreshed my way of doing portfolios and programming. (12 years in LDC). Love, love love it.
Nikki L
Great tool to help with understanding programming and the planning cycle. Lots of webinars to help gain skills and templates to guide you in your programming documentation...I love the simplicity of the tool and the clear explanation on the why's & how's.
Pillar 2 Resource Pathway
The Academy PLAY & PROGRAMS LIBRARY gives you Ideas To Ignite Early Learning With Your Activities & Experiences.

Unlocking Pillar 2 Will Give You…
All of the Pillar 2 training videos, templates, printables & activity ideas to INFORM your PLAY & PROGRAMS along with…

Easier Program Writing
A program that is easier to write and actually helps you to link all the planning steps together and setup ahead of time so that program writing isn’t just a waste of your time because you need to show ‘evidence’ on a wall
Activity Ideas & Prep Tips
Play based activities already linked to important early childhood learning, development and schemas for ages 0-12 years so that you never run out of ideas and can enjoy the wonder of play based learning again instead of just focusing on writing down an outcome number.
Links To Learning Outcomes
Done for you program prompts, setup ideas and planners that show you how to spark curiosity and inquiry led learning so that you’re consistently including a mix of intentional and incidental learning opportunities and experiences.
Ways To Save Money
All of the activity guides, curiosity prompts, printables and training videos ONLY share low cost, realistic resource ideas that you can create yourself using materials from around the house, centre or thrift shops

Tools To Invite Engagement
Printables, card games, exploring emotions & diversity, editable templates, scavenger hunts, storytime videos, music playlists and playful ways to introduce technology to children's learning safely.

Pillar 3 Resource Pathway
The Academy ENVIRONMENTS & ENGAGEMENT LIBRARY is where you'll get all the inspiration you need to transform your indoor and outdoor learning spaces.

Unlocking Pillar 3 Will Give You…
All of the Pillar 3 training videos, templates & checklists to INSPIRE your ENVIRONMENTS & ENGAGEMENT...

An Engaging Environment
The strategies you need to set up learning environments in creative ways that invite investigation, child led experiences and a sense of belonging so that children are engaged in their play spaces instead of bored.
Open Ended Play Ideas
Steps and examples to follow along with visual learning printables so that you can spend less money by creating your own budget friendly learning resources and invite play with open ended and upcycled materials.
Indoor & Outdoor Program
Program and planning ideas that help you to gather the information you need to confidently setup your outdoor environment and experiences so that they become an extension of indoor learning (and cancel out the need for and indoor AND outdoor program)
Ideas For Sustainable Practice
Creative ways to introduce and embed sustainable practices into your early education service, environment and routines so that children can become active participants in the care of their community and world around them through playful initiatives and activities.

Invitation To Play Ideas
Simple and realistic provocation ideas and invitations to play that incorporate natural and recycled materials and can be used in many different ways week after week to promote hands-on early learning.
Herminia A
It's great to be apart of a learning journey and all the content is user friendly.
Ashleigh A
educational leader
Its a great place to join, having access to everything is so handy...a great website, with lots of useful documents.
Katarzyna F
room leader
I have learned so much from you Jodie, my whole program has changed - it is more effective and child-led / very helpful, it makes your work life easier!
Pillar 4 Resource Pathway
The Academy COMMUNICATION & LEADERSHIP LIBRARY gives you access on demand to Essential Strategies, Professional Development & Resources To Help You Ascend As A Leader, Communicator & Mentor!

Unlocking Pillar 4 Will Give You…
All of the Pillar 4 training videos, templates & time management tools to MOTIVATE your COMMUNICATION, ORGANISATION & LEADERSHIP...

Processes To Achieve Goals
Step by step processes and guides that make setting goals easier and the action steps you need to take to achieve them more realistic for the time and resources you have available.
Time Management Strategies
More effective strategies to manage your time and prioritise your paperwork requirements so you’re not always taking work home on Fridays..
Help With Reflection
The visuals and training you need to clarify the difference between different types of reflection and how you can use simpler reflective practice processes and tools to USE the information you're gathering to inform change or highlight areas you need more support.
Confidence As A Leader
The templates, tools and checklists that will support you to become a confident mentor and leader in a way that doesn’t impact the other work you still have to fit in.

Confident Communication
The printables, templates & guides that will help you set up meaningful and effective communication methods and routines so that you can consistently communicate and collaborate with families in ways that work for you both.

Supporting YOUR wellbeing, confidence level and value as an educator is just as important as any template or training...and that's why we make those elements such a focus for our Academy community as you can see from our member feedback...
Annie S
kindergarten teacher
You're help has supported me in so many ways when I am feeling alone in my significant role as a kinder teacher to my little humans….Feeling part of a community who completely understand what I'm going through, through their real life experiences and the one spot resource I'm constantly on.
Betty B
Thank you so very very much for all the brilliant ideas and for making a video just for me. I am truly touched by this warm gesture. Your ideas have saved me thank you so very much Jodie. Thank you once again...I really appreciate your efforts and how you are always trying to support each one of your members.
Nathalie M
family daycare educator
If you are feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where to start or who to ask, then The Empowered Ed members hub is definitely worth a look. Jodie has so much knowledge that she is more than happy to share. The best part is that the hub is updated regularly and everything in there is current and relevant.
All Academy Members also get access to our new Mindfulness & Wellbeing Hub...created especially to support you so you can continue to do your important work in early education...without burning out.

And the brand new Curiosity Creators Club...The Ultimate Done For You Program Planning & Time Saving Solution for Early Childhood Educators!
Get access to a new 'Curiosity Spark Planner' and corresponding 'Curiosity Spark Activity Kit' every month that will ignite inquiry, investigation and early learning through playful activities and experiences.

If you’re ready for all that and more, then The Academy For Empowered Educators was created for YOU!

So, what other perks can you expect as an Academy For Empowered Ed's member?
(and get immediate access to as soon as you leave the checkout!)
On-Demand Access to Training Videos & Workshops...
So that you can fit in training around work hours and family life. View from home OR work anywhere in the world with an internet connection.
Action Guides & Books
Packed with photo inspiration and realistic information - so that you come away with solutions to challenges, new planning ideas to try and strategies to modify activities and materials for your own environment.
Visual Quickstep Pathway PDF’s...
That give you a visual trail you can follow to find the Academy resources you need to complete planning steps faster like activity ideas for a specific age group for a specific learning outcome area.
Personalised Training Certificates...
Giving you consistent access to bank and show evidence of your professional development hours & training topics completed.
An exclusive Academy Member Map To Follow
so that you know exactly where to start to get the help and resources you need faster. The fun Member Quiz will give you my suggestion for your Personal Priority Pillar…
Visual Learning & Simple Step By Step Tutorials...
So that you have information to reflect back on when YOU need it, simpler steps to follow and ideas to inspire and motivate you then share with fellow educators.
Answers To Your Questions...
With back to basics explanations and breakdowns via personalised videos from Jodie (that's me!) so that you’re never left feeling disrespected or judged for asking a question.
Access To A Private Member Only Group
So you can network with other early childhood professionals from the Academy, ask questions, share activity and environment ideas, fill your wellbeing cup and reignite motivation by watching our group videos and guides.
No quizzes, no deadlines, no difficult questions to decipher
Just inspiration and achievable ideas so that you can choose what you need, leave what you don’t and take action on at a time it suits you.
Templates, posters, printables, checklists
That support visual learning, lead you through practical action steps and communicate learning outcomes & tyhe importance of 'just play' to parents & carers.

The choice to learn when you want, where you want & HOW you want - and because I know just how busy you are, I’ve made it easy for you to choose how you want to consume the training workshops…watch the videos, listen to the MP3 audios or simply download and read through the text video transcripts when you’re not online.
It’s up to you - this is your professional development journey and the Academy gives you the options you NEED to feel confident and empowered in YOUR role.

This isn’t just a collection of training videos, templates and printables though…it’s the additional support YOU need to also USE the ideas, tips and tools for YOUR role within YOUR early education environment.

So what kinds of early childhood educators and leaders find the training & workshops inside the 4 Resource Pillars of The Academy useful?
Take a look below…
is a family day care educator...
Who was feeling a little flat with the style of programming she had been using. She didn’t feel it suited her style and had lost her motivation. After watching some workshops she said she was feeling ‘excited and eager now to start afresh with my programming’.
is a kindergarten teacher...
Who was really surprised at the fact that we don’t need to always be showing links visually to the learning outcomes and so inspired after watching the observation training that she went on to incorporate some of what was said into their observation process at the centre.
is an educational leader...
Who used the ideas gained from one of the workshops to get her team thinking about how they set up an area to encourage more engaged play and they also learnt how to extend their indoor program to the outside environment.
is an Assistant Educator...
Who was worried about how to link all of the steps of her planning cycle together while also keeping parents and carers in the loop. She now understands how to focus on the learning when writing her observations and uses a simpler layout.
is a centre Director...
Who discovered she was doubling up on parts of her planning process. She’s now simplified the process they use and her staff think it’s ‘simple & effective, AND it doesn’t take too much time to complete!”
is a Family Daycare Coordinator...
Who learnt the importance of ensuring educators understand the ‘why’ in what they are doing and how to make the planning cycle more visual. She went on to explain to her educators “what each step means and why they are doing it rather than just saying you have to plan, program, analyse etc”.

How Can I Make Planning, Documentation & Day To Day Practice Even Easier For You?
By giving you access to these 4 BONUS RESOURCE HUBS as part of your Academy For Empowered Educators membership when you join us today!
Together with the 4 Pillar Resource Libraries and your Member Mentorship Map you will be feeling more confident, inspired and valued right from your very first day!

BONUS #1...
Access To The Airtable Digital Planning Hub
The perfect solution to complicated online apps and planning programs for educators!
Simply choose your templates inside now and become a master in simple digital planning for educators...

BONUS #2...
Access To The NEW Mindfulness & Wellbeing Hub...
Time to focus on YOUR self care!
This Hub gives you on demand access to mini meditation audios, interactive sessions, breathing exercises, mindfulness tools and other resources that will help you to set boundaries, boost your energy and create a calmer you.

BONUS #3...
Access To The Canva Editable Templates Hub...
A library of specially designed, easy to use templates that YOU can personalise and edit to suit your specific early years role using the Canva design tool.
+ Step By Step Video Tutorials

Done for you monthly inquiry led planners so you can now access new 'Curiosity Spark Topics & Extension Activities' every month...

Christie D
Thanks so much, Jodie. It’s been a pleasure being part of the hub...It has been so valuable as an educator to have these resources.
Carrie-Anne T
family daycare educator
The input and ideas are amazing and so inviting.
Mehry N
family daycare educator
There is always something to learn and find out in this hub, so handy!

Want To Learn How Artificial Intelligence Tools like ChatGPT Can Make Work Easier & More Enjoyable?
Annual Subscribers get exclusive access to the only early childhood focused AI workshop series that shows you how to save time on documentation, assessment, activity ideas and program planning.

Designed to make AI integration easy, even for educators who don't consider themselves tech-savvy.
The step-by-step guidance will help you overcome any fears you might have about how to use ChatGPT to help with your early education planning, prep and setup.
New AI Workshop & Resource Toolkit Every Month

Access A Bonus Private Member Only Training Podcast
Listen to the Academy workshops and training sessions on the go in your favourite podcast app - including Spotify!

Ready To Join Us In The Academy?
Here's A Recap Of What You're Getting...
You get access to EVERYTHING listed today when you subscribe as a member.
Subscribe Monthly or save with an Annual Subscription...
Think of it as your personal Netflix for early childhood educators - take what you need right now and leave the rest! You have the remote ;)
- 1All 4 Academy Resource Pillars including Planning & Paperwork, Programs & Play, Environments & Engagement, Communication & Leadership.
- 2Full access to The Airtable Digital Planning Hub where you can copy and edit my tables & templates to record and organise observations, learning journey's linked to outcomes, programs, activities planner and more...all the hard work already completed for you - just fill in the blanks.
- 3On demand access as you need it to our Mindfulness & Wellbeing Hub especially created to support educators, lower stress levels and bring back their spirit.
- 4The Canva Templates Hub - A library of specially designed, easy to use, planning, communication, play and documentation templates that YOU can personalise using the Canva graphic design need to be arty or techie...I show you how to do it step by step and bring out your creative side (or you can just leave the design to me and copy the templates to print or edit
And Access To Chat With Our NEW AI Assistants For Immediate Help With YOUR Planning, Documentation, Activities, Assessment & More...

What Can AI Mentor Ellie Help You With?
- 1Coaching and mentoring suggestions to help you improve your skills and confidence using the EYLF, MTOP, or NQS.
- 2Advising on preparing for assessment & rating visits, and implementing EYLF V2.0 changes.
- 3Explaining planning and documentation steps, quality areas, and developmental milestones.
- 4How different theorists and perspectives link to early childhood education, play based learning and the EYLF.
- 5Ellie helps you customise plans and activities to support each child's learning while aligning to EYLF outcomes.
- 6Ideas & Inspiration to setup more diverse and culturally inclusive environments, activities, materials.
- 7Tips & strategies to write more meaningful observations and help to analyse EYLF learning outcomes.

What Can AI Mentor Lacey Help You With?
- 1Lacey has tips and strategies to help you effectively prioritise tasks and manage your demanding workload.
- 2Lacey promotes inclusion and diversity, ensuring your early education setting embraces all families.
- 3When challenges arise, Lacey helps with creative solutions, alternatives, and guiding you to implement action plans.
- 4Lacey clarifies and simplifies complicated regulations, standards, frameworks and quality standards.
- 5Lacey can provide an objective perspective to inform difficult decisions, always putting ethics and your educational philosophy first.
- 6Lacey's thoughtful questions help you engage in regular reflection & self assessment to keep improving.
- 7Leading, motivating and supporting educators to build capacity and understanding of pedagogy and practice including ways to assess, reflect on, and plan for children's learning

What Can AI Mentor Dottie Help You With?
- 1Analysing observations, connecting them to learning outcomes and early childhood theory.
- 2How different theorists and perspectives link to early childhood education, play based learning and pedagogy.
- 3Aiding in the development of programs & intentional teaching moments that meet educational standards.
- 4Providing step-by-step guidance on writing anecdotal records, learning stories, and analysis.
- 5Listing individual extension activity ideas and personalised learning goals for each child.
- 6Helping to gather & organise documentation information to create portfolios, learning journals & summative assessments
- 7Proposing reflective questions that will lead you through ongoing critical reflection & goal setting
- 8Create learning experiences that are tailored to the children's individual and group needs with creativity.
- 9Ensure that the planning document you write shows clear links between your observations, analysis, and the learning experiences you plan to provide.
My Personal Promise To You...
I know that choosing to purchase digital resources and training online can cause some anxiety, especially if you aren't used to buying online or are unsure about how soon you'll get access to your purchase...or even what to do if you have a problem...
And that's why I'm giving you my personal promise and guarantee that you'll immediately have access to the The Academy Professional Development Portal after receiving your purchase confirmation email (that's the awesome thing about buying waiting!).
You'll also be able to start downloading any of the resources inside The Academy and save them to you own computer or device so you have them forever to use! The training videos and workshops are waiting there ready for you to simply press play...whenever it suits you.
I've been sharing resources, support and training online for over 10 years now so you can feel confident that I know what I'm doing and have systems on top of systems (the perfectionist in me!) to make sure that you absolutely get what you paid for and if on the off chance that the internet gremlins get in and cause trouble or your enter your email incorrectly at the checkout and have difficulty logging assured that all you'll need to do is email me and I'll get it sorted for you asap.
Educators are important to me and I don't take your trust lightly, so please accept this as my personal promise to you.
I wouldn't be still doing this after 12 years online if I didn't treat my Academy Members and shop customers with the respect they deserve.
empowered Guarantee
Just so you don't need to be a tech wizard to find what you need in The Academy...that's why I've set it up this way and I take supporting your professional development journey seriously …because I know from personal experience that you don't have time to waste...
Which is why The Academy gives you...

So let's commit to making small but positive changes toward Keeping It Simple....
Yes, we need to document and assess...for many reasons.
But it doesn’t need to be your sole focus or a cause of fear..think of it as the mortar that holds all of your other blocks together and helps you form a strong tower using your everyday actions and practice instead of one that is unstable because you pile all of the ‘program mortar’ on the top believing (wrongly) it is the most important aspect of your role instead of just one part.
Give yourself permission to go back to simple even if someone is telling you ‘you should know that’.
Set up a planning and program process with steps you can follow on autopilot - draw on examples and modify to suit your individual needs. (The steps become a habit you won’t even think about after a while).
Use critical reflection tools that don’t add unnecessary documentation to your planning cycle but still allow you to show evidence of self-assessment, goal setting and growth.
Set up and maintain a visually rich learning environment that tells children they are welcome, they can direct their own play and this is their space to belong.
Have We Met Yet?

If we haven’t met while scribbling a quick observation down on a post it note or simultaneously trying to eat lunch and write next week's program while rocking the cot with your foot ...then let me introduce myself now...
I’m Jodie - an early childhood educator, mentor and blogger, always tired Aussie mum to 3 girls with a *mature & appropriate* crush on the boys from Supernatural.
When I’m not working you’d most likely find me sipping on a glass of crisp chilled white with a wedge of castello white cheese within reach and watching a tv show with some sort of vampire action... I used to want to BE Buffy way back in the day.
Too much information?
Ok. Let me tell you why you’d want to train with me instead.
To Put It Simply...I'm Getting Wrinkly.
And most of those wrinkles and frown lines were caused by children. True story (although I must admit having twins when nearly 40 with a teenager already at home and used to being an only child also caused more than their fair share).
Seriously though, I’ve been working with children and families in some way for over 35 years and that means a whole lot of lessons learnt, mistakes made and knowledge gained.
And now you get the benefit of that learning journey… and also the mistakes, did I mention the mistakes?
Yep, we all make them, but what I enjoy is helping educators to NOT make the same mistakes I have over the years.
I commit to this by supporting and mentoring thousands of educators every year through my popular website The Empowered Educator and practical blog posts, activity ideas, factsheets, free e-guides, online training, membership hub, e-courses, Facebook community, webinars and e-books.
I have worked in many different roles across the human services and early childhood professions over those past 35 years so it's likely I have already walked in similar shoes to your own. I know what is helpful (and definitely NOT helpful or useful) to educators because I am one too.
I’ll let you in on a little secret…
I'm Not The Perfect Educator...And I'm Yet To Meet One After 30 Years...
In fact, around the time we were all bracing for an impending apocalypse and chaos at midnight because of a computer clock (google it if you have no idea what I’m talking about and get ready to laugh!) I actually decided to give up working in early childhood.
Perhaps you’ve had a similar thought at some time
I'd had enough and just couldn't do it anymore. I went back to uni again, got a degree in social work and human services and loved the career change. But I missed the children....missed setting up play experiences....missed feeling like I was making a difference in the early years of a child's life.
I learnt from that experience and found ways to reignite my enthusiasm for the job.
And now I’m sharing some of those with you inside The Academy.
By offering access to all of the resources, training and strategies inside the Academy I can now support you to 'Keep It Simple' and boost your confidence and motivation too.
I hope to meet you soon.
Bring a little Buffy or Spike Vampire Style Confidence with you.
So, The Academy Looks Like A Good Option For Me...
But... I need my questions answered first...
I hear you, an empowered educator is an informed educator and that’s why I’ve compiled a list of the questions that other savvy educators ask before joining us inside The Academy... Simply click on the questions below to reveal the answers you need.
Not at all! The Academy includes activities, training and plans for educators working with all ages from 0 - 8 years.
There are separate plans for baby & toddler groups, 3-5 years and outside school hours care environments.
There is also a plan for mixed age groups 0-8 years - especially useful for those working in family daycare and homeschooling environments.
All of the Academy resources and training, along with the Canva, Airtable and Wellbeing Hubs are housed inside my private Empowered Educator Learning Network - a professional development portal. When you join, you’ll get an email with everything you need to know in order to log in and get started straight away.
Definitely not! The Academy has a play-based learning focus and although there are more structured factsheets and tools for educators to use for your own professional development the printables, activity guides and plans have been created to ensure children become active and engaged participants in their own learning.
Think of the printables as simply tools to invite learning and play - not 'how they must play' or boxes to check off! My aim is to help you find ways to encourage learning through play - whether that is in an outdoor or indoor environment, a centre or home-based environment.
Because there will be new training videos, webinars, plann ers, activity guides, ebooks and printables added to the Academy every single month!
What other educators have to pay separately for which can quickly add up - you will have access to anytime for just one low payment each month!
You will also have access to training not available outside of the Academy
I’ve been sharing play-based activities, programming strategies, tips for family day care educators, ideas for outdoor play & environments and more on my website since 2010 and working in the early education and family services sector for over 30 years so I know a *little bit* about connecting with early years educators and leaders.
I've also been developing and selling resources that save educators time and help them understand the basics for the past 8 years so I'm confident my work connects with educators just like you.
The Academy For Empowered Educators includes the same type of content and the down to earth approach I have been sharing for many years online. My ideas, tips and tools have been used by educators around the world - for many different early childhood roles.
I value the level of trust and reputation for helpful resources and advice I have built with fellow educators through my website and social media pages so I am definitely not about making over the top promises to you that I can't keep just to make money.
If you need to know more about me though before you decide if The Academy is for you why not visit my website The Empowered Educator, my Facebook page with over 43,000 likes, my Empowered Ed community group with over 24,000 members or my Pinterest page with over 74,000 followers. I'm pretty sure that many people can't be wrong about my support, ideas and reputation and I'd to mentor and support you too!
The wonderful part about becoming a member is that you’ll be learning not only from me, but from other empowered ed's who’ve already simplified their programming, become more organised, developed systems that allow them to now spend more time with the children in their care and ultimately know firsthand that there IS a way to get their mojo back and love their work again.
I can't wait for you to get there with us.
Awesome! Why? Because I create all of my training sessions and resources - in fact the whole of my Empowered Ed Learning Network with you in mind! – if you can click a big green button and hit save you are good to go!
And I’m not trying to be flippant with you - I know from talking regularly to my Academy Subscribers that being asked to do something online can send a shiver down your spine because it’s SO out of your comfort zone and you don’t want to look silly or feel frustrated. But you are certainly not alone in that feeling and I totally get that!
That’s why I set up a special ‘help me’ page in your Academy support portal that has videos where I walk you through some simple yet common questions like how to download and save your certificates!
In the unlikely event, you find yourself still having difficulty with something, I’ll even record a personal step by step walkthrough video for you so your question is always answered (and never seen as silly or embarassing)!
Rather than saying ‘you should know how to do this’ I see ‘not being good with computers’ as just another way I can simplify your work and grow your skills - let’s face it…computers are not going anywhere soon…but I can help you to use them for your programming and professional development needs ;-)
- Click on one of those big buttons on this page
- You’ll be directed to a checkout page.
Decide whether you want to subscribe monthly or annually, how you want to pay and then enter your details at the checkout (credit card or Paypal) - Hit the buy button then go check your inbox for an email with your receipt and details of how to login to start exploring straight away.
Frankly I'd be hurt if you didn't reach out because I really enjoy connecting with educators in our Academy community. I'm not 'on call' 24/7 (I don't have what anyone would call a social life but I do have a family who like to see me occasionally ), but I am here to help you over email or through voice and video messages.
I've even set up a special form in your Academy Support Hub so you can ask your question, give feedback or just seek a little reassurance you are on the right track. It's my goal for you to feel empowered and motivated when you're part of the I'm not just going to leave you hanging.
But let's be clear....I'm also not your lecturer, coordinator or Mum...I'm not going to 'check up' on you or judge your progress. But I will do everything I can to help keep you moving forward toward your professional development goals. Sound fair?
You could definitely try and that is certainly an option if you feel you are getting all that you need from surfing educational websites, reading books and interacting in huge Facebook groups to download bits and pieces of free stuff you then have to figure out how to use.
I certainly don't want you to purchase something you don't need -that is just wasting my time and yours so I want to make sure you make an informed decision.
But going on the emails and private messages I receive everyday, the majority of early years educators have very little time to spare and are already feeling overstretched with a work/life balance that is just not sustainable anymore.
By joining the Academy you can forget about endless hours searching for that template, activity idea or answer to your question - it's all there in the one place now and you can simply log in when it suits you, download what you need, ask a question, talk to other educators or watch a training video and download your personalised certificate.
I'm confident The Academy is worth your time and money because I know I have already helped thousands of educators just like you over the past 10 years online with my resources and back to basics, keep it simple style.
Definitely! I regularly have educators and parents from around the world buy my resources, attend my webinars, watch my online course videos and join my Facebook community so no matter where you work you will find value and help for your role in the Academy.
There are references, links and resources for Australian educators to make working with the Early Years Learning Framework easier but I have made sure to link all activities, plans and videos to general learning areas and current approaches common to all early childhood professionals so I have you matter where you live or what standards/frameworks you follow.
Will The Academy Be Helpful For You?
We currently have early childhood professionals from around the world in our Academy community, specific roles include....
Family Day Care
Including service operators, educators, coordinators & mentors.
ECE Teachers
Including Preschool & Kindergarten roles
Early Education Centres
Including Assistant, Room Leader, Educational Leader, Director & manager roles.
Outside School Hours Care Services
Including Assistants, Leaders, Educators & Coordinators
We also have Community Playgroup & Supported Playgroup Faciliators, Homeschool Tutors & Parents, Early Childhood Students & Occasional Care Educators participating in the Academy & finding resources that help support their specific role.

What do educators say about training with Jodie?

Jade H
Ed Leader